Is the world really going to end on December 21 2012? That is perhaps the most frequently asked question I receive from visitors to my website www.December212012.com. The short answer is most likely no. We as human beings have no possible way of knowing when and how our planet will end. However, we are smart enough and intuitive enough to know when sure and imminent danger is near, and we must be willing to recognize and react to signs of coming change. More importantly we must realize that our entire universe along with our very existence runs in cycles, and evidence of these cycles has been scientifically proven and their recurrence is inevitable. Based on my research and studies into the many theories, prophecies, predictions and facts surrounding 2012, I have come to realize that our world is not set to completely end anytime soon. However, we can be certain that some very dramatic and devastating changes are coming, and these changes will most definitely represent the end of the world “AS WE KNOW IT”.
We are currently and unquestionably immersed in the final years of a thirteen-year global tribulation that began on the winter solstice 1999 and will reach its ultimate conclusion on December 21 2012. During this period of unrest and uncertainty we will become witnesses to a gathering storm of events that will slowly and systematically redefine our existence on this planet. These events will come in the form of both natural and manmade disasters as well as social, economic and religious upheavals, and will most definitely effect every living being on the planet. When featured on the local, network and cable news outlets, these events will be described in terms such as “never before seen”, “worst on record”, “apocalyptic” and yes, “the end of the world”.
As the days continue to countdown to Dec. 21 2012, we will begin to experience a number of natural disasters and unprecedented weather events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and many other extraordinary life threatening natural events. Although our planet has always experienced nature’s destructive wrath in one form or another, these disasters will become increasingly more frequent and significantly more intense then any we have ever experienced. Along with the increased property damage and economic losses associated with these disasters, the lose of human life will increase exponentially. As these extreme weather events continue to develop, they will help to significantly increase global famine, disease, pandemics and many other forms of human suffering. Massive floods will devastate, extreme heat will decimate and intense fires will incinerate the very ground on which we stand. Tornadoes will strike in uncommon places and at uncommon times of the year. Severe thunderstorms with intense lighting and uncommonly strong winds will become more prevalent, and the earth will rumble with unusual and unidentifiable sounds of stress.
In addition to natural disasters, mankind itself will initiate its own near destruction through the use of social, economic, chemical, biological and nuclear warfare. In a push for power and global domination you will begin to see the world governments respond to perceived threats from other nations with unprecedented force and extreme violence. This continuing show of force will undoubtably lead to a third world war and sure nuclear destruction of many highly populated regions. Many wars will be waged in the name of religion and ethnic cleansing, while others will be initiated to spawn a perceived one-world government to oversee a desired new world order. We will continue to be subjected to both petty and potentially life-altering laws, rules, regulations and religious initiatives designs to keep us preoccupied with day-to-day social, economic and health related issues. Our continuing insecurities will be intensified by an unscrupulous power base of leaders whose primary goal is to deliberately instill near chaos in the form of social and economic unrest. This continuing unrest will be artificially and irrevocably addressed through the implementation of ever increasing taxes, diminished human rights and a desire to keep us in perpetual debt and in a constant state of insured domestic poverty an insecurity.
All of the life threatening, human suffering and earth changing events that are and will continue to take place throughout the tribulation are simply a prelude to a much larger human and planetary disaster. These events in their entirety should and will serve as a preemptive warning of a single global catastrophic event expected to take place at exactly 11:11 GMT on December 21 2012. Science has made reference to a number of possible devastating earthly events such as a Yellowstone super volcanic eruption or a polar shift that could take place in a matter of moments. Other dangers from the sky such as enormous asteroids, increased and violent solar activity, the emergence of Planet X or Nibiru, and the possible devastating effects of a planetary alignment have been well documented and studied by scientists around the world. All of these scenarios have been proven viable and very relevant to the times in which we live. Any one of these events or a combination of many would bring unprecedented global destruction. Human life would dramatically be effected and millions, even billions will die. Although no one knows exactly what this coming catastrophe might bring, we can be sure that the outcome will be dire.
The coming global cataclysm is in no way unique to our existence on this earth. As part of a universal cycle of near destruction, our planet and its population has experienced some form of renewal many times before, and it appears we are in line to witness this extraordinary event once again. The coming event is very real and has been foreseen and foretold by most all ancient civilizations and religions throughout the world. Although the basic scenarios and possible implications very, the final outcome remains consistent in all cases. The ancient Mayans and Aztecs refer to this coming event in terms such as the entering of the fifth world or fifth sun. The Hopi Indians call it the great purification. Christianity calls it the Rapture. Islam sees it as the coming of the Mahdi. The Hindus believe we are in the final moments of the Iron Age, which is the last of four periods known as Kali Yuga. Astrologers call it the coming of the Age of Aquarius which is representative of a cleansing of the earth. In addition, interpretations of many ancient and modern day oracles and prophets of doom also see the coming events. The Chinese book of Changes (I-Ching) sees it as the end of history. The Bible Code, The Web Bot Project, Nostradamus and many others also have provided us with the necessary signs of coming devastation. NASA has confirmed increasing solar disturbances that will reach their peek in late 2012, and even Albert Einstein spoke about the possible implications of the coming astronomical anomalies.
We as human beings are instinctually aware of the coming changes. If you haven’t already began to experience it, very soon you, as an individual will begin to notice an increased sense of awareness and understanding of the inevitable. Many attribute this increased awareness to a possible chemical enhancement of human DNA, while other believe these abilities have simply been suppressed and denied over time and are slowly being revealed in order to prepare us for sure and sustainable change. These feeling and signs of utter dread and impending doom will begin to manifest themselves in many ways, and will effect an ever increasing number of people as we get closer to December 21 2012. Some will see this as a spiritual awakening, while other will experience a remarkable ability to foresee coming events through dreams, meditation, moments of déjà vu and gut Instinct. Your individual increased perceptions will be small an insignificant at first and will be dismissed as coincidence or chance. You may for example have a passing thought about an old friend, and that person will contact you. You may briefly think about a song from your past, and that song will play on the radio. You may experience an increased ability to associate particular smells with past events, and many will see a significant reoccurrence of the numbers11:11. As these events become increasingly more common and more relevant, you will come to realize their importance to coming events.
Some people believe that I along with many others are intentionally and deliberately trying to scare people with our web sites, books videos and messages of coming doom, and in many ways they may be right. Much like your local weather person who warns you of possible inclement storms, we are simply trying to inform you that this threat is very real and conditions are right for a global cataclysm that could redefine life, as we know it. However harsh and unsavory you may find this information to be I am confident that the ends will most definitely justify the means and your survival and continuing existence may very well depend on it. You need to look no further then the television network and cable news or newspaper to realize that something very unusual and very unsettling is taking place all around the world. Our social and moral values are in decline. Our global system of socioeconomic stability is failing at an incredible rate. Our political systems have become increasingly more corrupt and self-serving, and people are suffering and dying in unimaginable ways. I encourage you to step back and look beyond your own personal problems and situations and realize that we exist not as individuals, but as a worldwide community who shares one single planet that is in chaos.
The world governments and religious elite are very well aware of what is coming and know that they can not and will not provide protection and support to everyone on the planet. They know we are facing an unimaginable global event that will surpass any and all disasters we have ever experienced. In preparation, bunkers and underground shelters are now being built and stocked with food, water and other survival supplies. Seed banks are being constructed to insure future food availability and publicly financed individuals and organizations are taking the steps necessary to insure that they and a select group of people can and will survive this ordeal. In an attempt to maintain continuos artificial stability and reduce sure and total panic among the general population, entire governments and government-sponsored scientists will become the most adamant critics of the warnings. Many will site Biblical scripture disputing what they do not understand and others will compare 2012 to more recent failed doomsday predictions such as Y2K; knowing full well that this is not a manmade computer glitch, but a real and predictable recurring act of nature. They will insistently deny, discount and discredit the warnings, and will dismiss them as bad science, conspiracy and malicious profiteering.
Despite the lack of official acknowledgment, many are now preparing themselves and their families for the coming disasters, and you may be wise to do the same. This personnel preparation is in large part being done under a vale of secrecy so as to detour those who refused to heed the warnings. You should prepare yourself mentally, physically and spiritually for the coming events, and take the steps necessary to insure your future survival. You should concentrate your efforts on food, water, shelter and personal protection and prepare yourself for prolonged or permanent power outages and limited communication. You need to recognize that currency and traditional means of trade are now and will continue to loose their value, and that your ability to purchase necessary supplies will become limited. Most importantly, you need to enjoy the life you are now living, but prepare yourself for the worst, for the worst is yet to come.
Some scholars have estimated that as many as two thirds of the worlds population may perish as a direct or indirect result of the coming events of December 21 2012 and the thirteen-year tribulation leading up to that date. Our current level of technological advancement could be thrust back hundreds even thousands of years, and the ecological and environmental effects of these events will most definitely prove devastating to the way in which we currently live our lives. Survival will supersede comfort, fear will dominate the living and want, need and hope will dictate our daily existence.
As horrifying and unsettling as all this sounds, it could in many ways be perceived as a good thing for those who survive. December 21 2012 and the years leading up to that date will in many ways represent the storm before the calm, and will dramatically and violently usher in a new era of increased understanding and renewed enlightenment. This new beginning will be met with a new sense of peace and will more widely open our eyes to the true meaning of life. We will enter this new age not only with a complete knowledge of where we have been, but with an increased understanding of where we are going and where we need to be in relationship to the basic truths that will once again redefine our existence. We will be forced by need and necessity to look beyond race and religious differences, greed, hate and social status, and our continuing survival will be rooted in our willingness to honor and respect ourselves, our neighbors, our environment and the powers that be.
No, our world and its population will not come to a complete and final end on December 21 2012. We will however be forced to reevaluate and redefine our lives and our association with our planet. Life will be hard but we can take comfort in knowing that Mother Nature will once again reign supreme in her ability to correct what we have so badly taken for granted.
John Kehne is an independent researcher of the overall implications surrounding the coming events of December 21 2012 and is the publisher of the #1 rated website devoted to the subject, www.December212012.com.
Pleas feel free to reprint and republish this article in its entirety giving proper credit to its author John Kehne and associated origin of publication www.December212012.com.
Here is a great fact!
On December 22, 2012 we’re having a BIG party to celebrate the survival of the human race!
We will have rock music, beer and cakes. Even jelly and ice cream!
Everyone will be able to wear You Silly Knobs! hats, t-shirts and badges, and we will have guests who believed the world is going to end explaining why it didn’t!
Want to know more? Email us at seeyouthere@live.com.
Oh really? I would love to know how you know any of this will happen. It looks like you took a particularly annoying, trendy doomsday theory and inflated it to a ridiculous level. You have no proof, or even reasonable EVIDENCE that this will happen. You're simply making it up.
you don't seem like a very good researcher at all. a research paper presents a thesis, which you have, but backs it up with evidence, which you don't. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, because we don't know yet what will happen, but you seem to just be making up things on the spot. How does it make any sense that suddenly on that day nuclear war will break out? Why would that date be any more likely than any other? Why would there suddenly be more natural disasters? Once again: WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE!!!
There are a multitude of factors which can be accounted for in the lead up to Dec 21 2012.
The Maunder Minimum, global financial collapse, increase in UFO sightings, global dimming (I meant apparent global warming), and the Hadron Collider.
Whichever way you look at it, we are living in very exciting times.
Your readers might be interesting in reading more about 2012 from my series of posts on the subject: -
Dec 21 2012
Peace and light to all.
this is bs. whats is going to happen with people like you causing chaos ?! what i believe from multiple sources, we are going to undergo a spiritual and physical transformation ....nothing bad or apocalyptic
It's just something you KNOW. I can't explain why or how I know; just that I DO know and have known for years..even since childhood..and I am now 55. 2012 is very real. I don't know WHAT will happen, just that something WILL happen and it will be catastrophic. Personally, even if things ARE going to be more peaceful after; I think I would just as soon GO that day! I am ready, spirtually, for 11:11 which will happen on my fathers birthday,Dec 12, 2012...
it sed ppl may see the reoccuring time 11:11 on the clocks.. i keep seeing 9:11 on mine, am and pm... is that the same? well im not gonna live the next years of my life worrying if this is true or not.. it kind of makes sense with the bad economy thing and the bad weather stuff but i dont care. on december 22 (the day before my sis turns 17 or 18) im gonna laugh and smile and know i lived a good life, even though i barely lived because im still young and will still be young on that day...
it sed ppl may see the reoccuring time 11:11 on the clocks.. i keep seeing 9:11 on mine, am and pm... is that the same? well im not gonna live the next years of my life worrying if this is true or not.. it kind of makes sense with the bad economy thing and the bad weather stuff but i dont care. on december 22 (the day before my sis turns 17 or 18) im gonna laugh and smile and know i lived a good life, even though i barely lived because im still young and will still be young on that day...
u guys should really have your party on december the 20th uno, before the world ends and all. :P
oh god and if there was a mauander minimum type thing to be honest seems pretty likely now, it would be crap, i dont want 1. Ive had enough days looking on SOHO at a blank sun and KP's never going into storm levels and a total lack of auroras.
Having a party on the 20th. Sounds like a plan, is that an invite you're sending to us doomsdayers.
Count me in :-)
Perhaps we won't have to wait until 2012, maybe the swine flu is the start of the end for humanity.
PS Yes, my glass is always half empty, that way I am never disappointed.
Peace and love.
Having a party on the 20th. Sounds like a plan, is that an invite you're sending to us doomsdayers.
Count me in :-)
Perhaps we won't have to wait until 2012, maybe the swine flu is the start of the end for humanity.
PS Yes, my glass is always half empty, that way I am never disappointed.
Peace and love.
Why would there be an excat time and date for the world ending? Where is ur evdince? The swine flu has a cure so that is not the end of humanity! (Or at least i hope not) Weather could increase just because mother nature wants it to! And you cant be sure that the world is going to end on december 21 2012! Just like everyone was freaking out about Y2k it is the same thing! And it sounds like u made up some of this stuff i mean "There will be reapering 11:11." Whats that supussed to mean?
haha! your the best!
As you say swine flu maybe we wont have to wait..
maybe it will evolve and it will be like 28 days later but with the baseball bats from shaun of the dead XD (just kiddin)
technicly that wasn't an invite, especially as i live all the way over in the UK!
But if there was 2 be a party on dec 20th 2012 it would be Celebrating making it through Swine flu, and now were going out with a bang!
Peace dude :)
Wow! u've uve built ure own proper blog site on this, that deserves true respect :D
Did you even read this article?
i mostly agree with you sam, but
some of the sites show pretty clearly the probability of the world as we know it ending increasing to and around around this date substatially, some others to exactly this date, make up your own mind on it basicly.
Only by searching your own truth, will you find the answers.
That or sit around and wait for 2012.
2012 is very different to y2k. Again there is no point telling you this, as it seems you have already made your mind up, yet it seems you have done little research.
Remember, the path of least resistance is the easiest path to follow. But not necessarily the right path.
Please don't be a sheeple, a borg. Find your own truth.
Good luck with your journey of self-discovery.
Peace and light Sam.
Only by searching your own truth, will you find the answers.
That or sit around and wait for 2012.
2012 is very different to y2k. Again there is no point telling you this, as it seems you have already made your mind up, yet it seems you have done little research.
Remember, the path of least resistance is the easiest path to follow. But not necessarily the right path.
Please don't be a sheeple, a borg. Find your own truth.
Good luck with your journey of self-discovery.
Peace and light Sam.
Maybe. Never dismiss the fact.
i heard that if you have swine flu and you dont have it cured asap you can die in just 5 days or so.. it's a freaking prediction.. it's interesting!! and it is actually entertaining as well you gotta admit..haha
All this nonsense made you as funny guy. Transparently shown you’re trying to do more business through this website.
Even, you're trying to selling your products. Also, included some Google Ads sense and you're trying to get more Ad sponsors to top up your bank balance. But, your dream never becomes true.
So, you thought to destroy the earth to earn more money to live alone on the Moon.?
There's many way to earn money. But, your way is unethical.
hey, My name is Chelsea I'm 12 yrs old. I'm scared. Ever sence i saw the movie the knowing I started researching about the earth and how it would end. I know know one could predict wen the world is really going to end No one can. Email me at frogbaby001@ymail.com. I can tell you more.
I believe you. There is no argument about whether you are a good researcher or not because you talk intuitively and much inclination with quantum physics. Quantum physics is simply known as mad's subject but most of the fundamental equations are based on it. However, you are much more concerned on this issue and you want to prepare mass people on it. I appreciate your work and keep doing it. Inequality and injustice is natural and it will be corrected by nature too. This pathetic world full of slavery, worry, crisis, disease, and so on need to an end. Therefore, just celebrate this event and say good bye those greedy people around the world.
Your information and viewpoints are very accurate. I can explain much more about these things but this is not the right forum.
However, I will say this- there's a difference between "mechanical intelligence" and "spiritual intelligence" in human evolution.
Deity perceives the "higher" intelligence to be the Spiritual kind. For the most part this world has been overrun by "mechanical"
and "technical" people who are non-spiritual-and therefore they destroy the world with useless technologies etc. Spiritual people
recognize a simpler way of doings things-which is ultimately non-destructive.
God intends for Spiritual intelligence to "rule over" mechanical mind- though that has not happened thus far on this world.
The coming Apocalypse is a method for Deity to "exterminate" the excess "mechanical" people so that
spirit-born beings can repopulate the planet. The Biblical Prophecies are accurate and real-
if you want to know what's going to happen you have to correctly interpret the Biblical writings.
People who at present ridicule
those of us who understand what's coming - are those people who are inherently non-spiritual and they will just be eliminated by Deity.
People who are still unaware of these things actually have inferior DNA and cannot "perceive"
what is really coming. This is God's way of enhancing DNA by simply eliminating the retarded
strains that have innundated this planet.
When someone ridicule's this info you instantaneously know you have a non-spiritual person on your hands- and they will perish during this Apocalypse- even if they try to save themselves.
It's pretty simple really.
I find it fascinating that people must refer to biblical references when talking about 2012.
I respect that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I do wish people would stop being slaves to the main 'bogus' religous.
Besides, there is only one true religion, and that of course is the FSM :-)
2012 is NOT a religous event.
"I don't beleive in religion, but I do believe in the spirituality of man".
I don't like the bit -"enhancing DNA by simply eliminating the retarded" etc.. A bit (way) too Nazi for my liking. I was hoping we'd become better and realise the shear importance of our planet.
For Swine Flu I think it could be an epidemic so everyone should barricade themselves at home for a week or two so this thing dies out, regardless of Any other pointless capitalist shizzle.
As for this article its one potential path we should avoid, though I do think it lacks any evidence and has the feeling of somebody that's got a touch carried away in a fantasy realm.
Having said that i have little doubt December 2012 will be an immense time for the human race. Weather you look at it as a disaster or something to look forward to depends weather your like the red or the blue pill guy if u get my drift.
"Having said that i have little doubt December 2012 will be an immense time for the human race. Weather you look at it as a disaster or something to look forward to depends weather your like the red or the blue pill guy if u get my drift."
Well said. This sums up Dec 21 2012 in a nutshell. We are living in very exciting times people. As a bonus, if aliens do decide to drop by and say hi, and/or the Hadron Collider creates a new dimensional portal, or something majestic happens when our planets line up, or we encounter one mother of all solar flares... it matters not.
Anything which helps pave the way for a new civilization has to be a good thing.
After all, we could do with some culling en masse, lets start with our corrupt politicians, the privately owned federal reserve, and of course chavs. :-)
That should be a good starting point for humanity.
Peace and love to all, and let us hope Dec 21 2012 brings a new dawning on civilization.
Swine Flu is spreading around. Tamil tigers are killed mercilessly as if cleansing virus by antibiotics,wild fires are burning into assess the forests and civilization, Swat refugee crisis and killing field,Repression and killings in Burma, North Korea, Somali, Militants and rebels in Africa are getting aggressive out of frustration,Taliban and Islamic militants are on edge of despair, cross boarder conflicts are increasing, Earth quakes are shaking nations indiscriminately, Yellow stone is just waiting for the bell, Iran-Russia ties out of insecurity, Israeli's desperation out of insecurity, Rich nations are shaken by financial quake, Jobs cuts shattered dreams of millions to have quality nice life, Migrant workers are dying like animals in the construction field without little care, malnutrition children are dying in hunger, maternal mortality rate is rising, HIV/AIDS not getting any solutions and spreading with a promise of 'you die, I die both die', Non communicable diseases are killing millions silently...
Flood, storms, drought, land slides, and sea level rise have threatened millions else where in the world. They call it negative impact of climate change. What is the underneath reason of climate change? Is that only green house gas emission or something else?
The moments of despair have just arrived. The alarm bell has rung. Most of the religions have alerted the same ending. Most of the civilizations have alerted the same ending. Most of the illusive predictions have gone in the same line of thought.
Moral values are degraded, human values are declined, ethical concerns have vanished, and Human Conscience is jeopardized by evil gamers in politics, finance, and policies. Now the final battle between evil and good.
Bad guys have powers, chairs, money, influence, control, and authority over people in most of the territories irrespective boarders, which is dangerously undermining good power with conscience. This is an alarming state that accelerate towards the end or shift whatever.
There must be an end and the end is closer that we suppose to think about.
guys wat ever u ve said might or moght not be true about the world comin to an end is absolute bullshit but the natural calamities n other happenin are sure only cuz of the way we re destroyin mother nature n a simple way to protect our selves is to stop trying to over powerr mother nature n instead learn to respect n live in harmony
I am a believer. I am not going to get upset about it or go insane at the thought of the end. I, like the author, am merely going to try and inform people. I agree that this world is a world of hate and mistrust, and if there is not religion in your life, I think you will not be able to feel the changes. But the part of informing is not something that should be forced, same as religion. You either believe or you don't. I am not a fan of pinpointing a date, but something is going down, and it is not far down the road.
Don't panic.
A lot has been said in regards to December 21, 2012. If it were only the Mayan calendar 2012 that ended on that date December 21, we all could say “well they just got tired and ended it there” and that would be sufficient. But the truth is from ancient profits such as Merlin, the Delphi Oracle, Mother Shipton, the Oracle of the Old Roman Empire (the Sybilline Prophecies), Nostradamus 2012, the Ye Jinn or (I Ching), and Edgar Cayce, web bots, and the Bible which has a perfect record of predictions.
All of these prophets and more can’t be discounted, wished away or simply ignored. What are you doing to prepare for the end of civilization?
The End of the World?
The Mayan prophecies say only about water, water everywhere and Black on black, black on high. If all the ice melted at the South pole, North pole, Greenland etc. due to a Pole shift (predicted by Edgar Cayce) it is estimated to make sea levels rise 180 ft. to 270 ft.
Also when we were to get struck by a large asteroid or comet such a strike would throw up into the atmosphere billions of tons of dust and debris. Also such a strike could trigger earthquakes, volcanoes, Tsunami’s throwing more dust into our atmosphere, turning day into night (black on black, black on high).
(From the Bible)
Revelations 8:10-11 "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."
Along with global terror, the threat of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons being used against us we have to consider things like another Katrina, tornados, earthquakes, floods, fires, asteroid strike etc. And the difference is do you want to be one of the huddled masses (if you survive) in a mile long line waiting for a government food hand out or do you want to be prepared, relatively comfortable and most important SAFE?
For more insight into this 2012 phenomenon and a plan of action on just how you MIGHT survive it and most other natural hazards Mother Nature can throw at you.
Please visit us on the web at:
B. Lamb
A lot has been said in regards to December 21, 2012. If it were only the Mayan calendar 2012 that ended on that date December 21, we all could say “well they just got tired and ended it there” and that would be sufficient. But the truth is from ancient profits such as Merlin, the Delphi Oracle, Mother Shipton, the Oracle of the Old Roman Empire (the Sybilline Prophecies), Nostradamus 2012, the Ye Jinn or (I Ching), and Edgar Cayce, web bots, and the Bible which has a perfect record of predictions.
All of these prophets and more can’t be discounted, wished away or simply ignored. What are you doing to prepare for the end of civilization?
The End of the World?
The Mayan prophecies say only about water, water everywhere and Black on black, black on high. If all the ice melted at the South pole, North pole, Greenland etc. due to a Pole shift (predicted by Edgar Cayce) it is estimated to make sea levels rise 180 ft. to 270 ft.
Also when we were to get struck by a large asteroid or comet such a strike would throw up into the atmosphere billions of tons of dust and debris. Also such a strike could trigger earthquakes, volcanoes, Tsunami’s throwing more dust into our atmosphere, turning day into night (black on black, black on high).
(From the Bible)
Revelations 8:10-11 "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."
Along with global terror, the threat of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons being used against us we have to consider things like another Katrina, tornados, earthquakes, floods, fires, asteroid strike etc. And the difference is do you want to be one of the huddled masses (if you survive) in a mile long line waiting for a government food hand out or do you want to be prepared, relatively comfortable and most important SAFE?
For more insight into this 2012 phenomenon and a plan of action on just how you MIGHT survive it and most other natural hazards Mother Nature can throw at you.
Please visit us on the web at:
Email: drbuzzsaw1@yahoo.com
B. Lamb
I would like to refer everyone who needs "proof" of an upcoming event to a special being run over and over on the history channel titled Nastrodamus 2012 which shows not so much as evidence, but support for these claims from several different civilizations and religions around the world.
I feel the world will not end on the 21 of December, 2012 but this will be the beggining of a new age and all of those who shrug this off as a hoax will suffer greatly in the time to come. Be prepared, if the world doesn't end on December 21, 2012 it's only a metter of time. With our resources quickly diminishing, conflict increasing in all parts of the world, famine, natural disasters, hunger...this all continues to get worse and increase at an exponential rate it's foolis to think we will exist on this biosphere for all of eternity.
Enjoy life as you know it where the things you need are easily obtainable because sometime in the near future it may be gone. All I'm saying is live life to the fullest now but be prepared for the worst in the future.
If John Kehne is a researcher then im the president. What kind of whack job buys into this crap? Probably the same people who knew all the computers would crash in 2000 and build bomb shelters in thier basements and stockpiled them with canned food. We all see how that worked out.
No truer words than that. The human race will be changed utterly.
So, wait, we're gonna play through fallout 3 again? Sweet. I am actually a little worried about this, but whatever. If I live, I get to tell stories to everyone who is born after it.
i dunno if i have 2 believe this or not, but then the article is interesting...not scary though... i actually agree wid many of the events like the destruction of humans by the natural disasters and all the political drama going on in the world rite now... and all the terrorist attacks and the new new diseases that are coming in... but then it seems like the world is already coming 2 an end... why wait till december 21,2012?????
For the last few years I have felt continually uneasy and couldnt understand why.
I have also realised that I have the gift of healing and this combined with getting to know other healers has made me realise that things are not going well for our planet earth. If you are feeling uneasy then this is the reason why.
Spiritually for those who can go to the higher realms I think they will survive.
I am not afraid to die which may sound odd but somehow that part of life doesnt seem to matter quite so much.
It has been said that truth will out and that all the wrong doings of this world will be seen by all.
Its happening, just look at the bankers collapse and the building societies. Total collapse of our monetary system. Now its the UK government being shown up for what the MP's have been up to plus our present prime minister has put our country in debt. The debt is worse now than at the end of the 2nd world war. I think there will be many more things like this happening. It will be other countries too which will have this as well. This is only the start.
As for the swine flu' this will turn into a pandemic and be totally worldwide. Thousands of people will be wiped out. If you look back in history similar things have happened before.
For those that have come across this site I would say to you read it and start to pray to God that you are one of the lucky ones to survive what is to come.
I think that the world will be cleansed and it will survive and the ones who are left will carry on but in a better way and respect each other and nature and this is the way it will go on.
All the prophecies cant be wrong not when they are from different ages and different cultures.
I am kind of scared now. I mean, I have been feeling the whole 2012 thing for a while now. I had a dream the other night that was so real. On that day, a meteor was heading to earth. My boy friend wouldn't help me pack my kids off and run. He said there was no use that we were all going to die. You could look up and see it coming. It was bigger than anything I'd ever seen. Was so real that it haunts me still.
Now, it was just a dream. That scared the crap out of me. I am a mother of 2 and all I want is to see my children grow up. Or just to know they will. What IF the world doesn't end and there are only survivors that lived in caves and shelters? What about people like me and my kids? What will happen to us? The government would never tell us if something bad was coming. We would just look up and there it is! What I am saying is, IF that does happen, be on the look out for me and my children. We will do whatever we can to make it.
Your post on 2012 is the most succinct and beautiful explanation I have read so far on the subject.
See you on the other side.
Peace and love
Here's hoping for a better tomorrow.
I'm Josh. Im not a scholar, not a genius, not a professional, not even a college graduate (yet).. However I am a part of this world, I am open minded to new ideas, and I do forsee changes in our near future.
Three ideas on 2012 are floating about.
1. negative change (death, disease, distruction)
2. Positive change (Enlightment, cooperation, love)
3. Just another year (nothing will happen, everything is fine)
for any under #3:
open your minds up to new possibilities PLEASE because u know, i know, we ALL know that the world is not perfect, EVERYONE is NOT happy, and things COULD be different. To be 100% content with the world today (or any day) is to neglect your humanity. The Human being is a thinking creature. We thrive off of new information because without it we are stuck in frustration. EVERYTHING CHANGES EVENTUALLY!
for any under #1:
this is a possibility so it is not hard for me to understand why people would think this. Throughout our lives we have been trained to pass on negative information- (drama movies, MTV, News, the neighbor is a sex offender, john doe died last night) -which wether we like it or not brings negative thoughts or ideas into a positive perspective through social comfort. Therefore it is easy for us to "want" a negative change because as a race we enjoy overcoming odds, and being the best. so its nearly natural for us to jump to a negative conclusion such as swine flu kills us all, or polar shifts in an instant, or fire raining from the sky-it's all SO interesting to us that we practically reach for it. Granted all of that may be true, or it may not,none of us know and thats exactly why you are at your computer right now reading this authors article or this particular comment on the article. I only hope that if #1 is the truth that it may come swiftly so the pain of extermination is at a minimum for everyone.
for any under #2:
for most all events in life things usually get worse before they get better (the calm before the storm type of idea). we need to understand that yes to all of us as humans we have personnal thought and ideas but if you look at us from a distant vantage point as a singular species there is still a common happening between all, we are ALL connected even though we cant see, smell, taste, touch, or hear it. gravity exists... can you taste that? there are those of us who are so caught up in earthly or humanly ways that we forgot to stop and thank whatever higher power we believe to let all this be. but there are still believers out there, open mindedness still exists, and possibilities are endless beyond what we can fathom in our feeble minds. The only way for all of humanity to unite is either intergalactic war, or global devastation. but with a united earth... well thats so amazing im getting chills just typing it.
I personally am stuck between #1 and #2. I can see both happening simultaneously. Im aware of all the natural disasters happening and its increasing ferocity. I do believe people in general have lost touch with wanting to know more about who we are or what we are doing in this ocean of chaos. It may just be a reawakening for us to remember what is truly important in life instead of being so caught up in economics, polotics, racism, rules, entertainment. (ALL OF THESE ARE MADE UP BY MAN. EVERYTHING U LEARN IN SCHOOL WAS MADE UP AT SOME POINT IN MANS EXISTANCE THEN SIMPLY PUT INTO EFFECT! EVEN SCHOOL ITSELF)! maybe, just maybe we will be shown what we should all really be doing with our time here on earth.
if u want to think im a dumbass go ahead but just remember u dont know what will happen either, you are denying yourself by not trying to find out, and if #2 is correct ull probably be one of the controlled deaths because theres no room in an eternity of space and possibilities for a closed off mind.
Interesting story...
Here's a financial perspective on 2012 you might find interesting:
its a great thing to know!!!!!!
v will all have a party that night...
real or not, mysteries are never a waste of time. personally i believe that your blog is great and i check up on it at least once every two weeks to see what's new. i would like to take this time to thank you for not giving up on it. i believe :)
You need to look to the revelations of the LORD and not to man or philosophies of man. Those who love and serve God and his son Jesus Christ need not fear if ye are prepared. Yes there will be troubles for the wicked, but I would not trust some blog about the future. Look to the revelations in the bible, the book of mormon and the modern day prophets for guidance. There is so much good to look forward to in life and this earth.
Wow....this is total garbage!! You're lacking scientific proof all over the place. How do you even know any of this??? You're a terrible researcher. Your research paper was poorly constructed. All you're going off of is a myth and a few tall tales. I'm may be only a sphmore in high school, but I know the difference between a myth and the truth. It appears that you're not telling us this so we can be prepared, it's more about you selling your products and getting more sponsers. You're artical was a very extreme work of fiction. More or less it sounds like you're pulling this information out of your butt! Until you've found cold, hard facts, I suggest you be quite and not make a fool of yourself. When you think you can prove to the world that you're right, we'll listen, but until then, you sound like a fiction author.
I am only 15. Very young, as you can tell. I am supposed to graduate from high school in 2012 and get a career in Criminal Justice. Do you know how sad it makes me feel to know that I may not even have a future? I don't know if any of this is true or not. I do believe that something may happen in 2012. I think maybe God is going to do something. Like that movie left behind. I am a Christian and I have been baptized. I'm not squeeky clean though. I do not-so-great things and I know it's wrong. I do have heart-to-heart's with God every once in a while. I ask to be forgiven for my sins, but I understand if I'm not forgiven. I can only hope that I will be. I hope that before the "end of the world", as you say, that God will save people. Sometimes I question my faith though. I shouldn't, but I do. But, honestly, where is your proof? I can't go one day thinking about how great my life will be when I'm older without thinking that I may never get older because the world is going to end and I'm ging to die. You are right though, about things being said in the past about the end of the world. When I was younger there used to be a guy on TV saying that the world was going to end. He may have said 2012 or it may have been 2005. I don't remember. But, haven't we been through this before? During the 50's and 60's? I might only be a girl at 15, but I did very good in my history class. What about all the nuclear war with Korea and Japan and Germany then? And Cuba. And in the 30's and 40's how Hitler tortured the Jews. To me, times back then seem to be worse than what's happening today. They had the Great Depression and came out on top again. And I don't know, things could get much worse than they are now. I mean, back in January and the beginning of the year there was 3 or 4 plane crashes. And a recent crash, and Korea is threatening to bomb us again, and 2 people fell overboard from 2 different cruise ships. That sounds bad to me, but does it really have anything to do with 2012? I am so scared of what's going to happen. I'll just be starting out on my own in 2012. December 21st is my cousin's birthday. I am so scared of what may happen, but also may not happen. I am only supposed to be worried about boys, friends, grades, and what to wear for homecoming. I shouldn't have to worry about the end of the world. But I do. And I hate that I do. Some part of me wishes I could just die before then to get it over with. The other part of me hopes that everything is just one big misunderstanding and that everything will be fine. Somebody please just give me an opinion. I am going crazy not knowing what's going to happen. My email is
Please just help me.
I have a feeling that you all might be disappointed when that near earth object runs past us in 2011 433 Eros I think it's called, because this could very well be the beginning of the end and the year between then and Dec 21st 2012 may simply be a year for the earth to sit in hiatus, dead, until it can recover and come to life anew in 2012.
So we may not even get to see this fabled day.
But what do I know?
Tell you what, when MY earthquake hits in 2010 in Vancouver during the 2010 Winter Olympics killing thousands and displacing millions you can come back and ask me what's next.
This is science, or a bad day at wanting to talk about science and scaring people into buying your trinkets and such.
As a Christian or person of God you don't have to worry about this sort of trivia. In reality, who cares what takes place or when because as you are a believer, your life is already taken care of. So go ahead and lay blame, perpetuate fear, talk jibberish so that the people who read who do not know the truth will tag along like idiots. That's your goal isn't it?
Me, I'm not worried at all. What comes will come no matter when or how and there's nothing we can do about it any ways. So why not live your life to the fullest knowing God and his promises and forget this world.
Does anyone watch the History Channel??? Just look it up. They have many different scientists that can explain things to all you non believers.
2012 has to be the Daddio of all 'internet memes'.
NOBODY knows what will happen come 2012, many psychics claim they are unable to see beyond 2012, that however is mere conjecture.
One thing I do know... Is it just me, or does anyone feel like we are in an 'end of days' scenario!
The way the global climate is collapsing, political systems are a joke, and corruption rife.
The race to the finishing post has begun, we are in a race to prepare for a new dawning in the next few years.
There is a plethora of scientific reasons which point to 2012, but more importantly, just take a look around you. Doesn't it all seem... well a bit surreal and bizarre.
T minus 1277 days, 17 hours and 37 minutes until the fun really begins.
Not sure how to think. Yeah, the world is changing but it has my hole life.
I do believe that if anything major happens with China, North Korea or Iran that will be life altering. Major power outages will be the norm. China daily tries to break down our power grid, North Korea said yesterday they are going to wipe us off the face of the earth and Iran states Obama is just like Bush.
What to do.
Perhaps this link might give you an idea of how the world is changing and the reasons why.
austrian journalist has filed charges against WHO & UN for bio-terrorism (swine flu pandemic)
I am starting to think we'll be lucky if we make it to 2012. Korea and China are the least of our worries.
what really gets me is that there are children on this blog talking about what they KNOW will happen.... first of all you kids DO have every right to voice your opinion however please dont state yourself as fact because the truth is. you are at a learning stage in your life and the world is a strange place in your eyes.. I know this makes no sense to you now and you think im just a condescending guy whos unfair or whatever but for the older people reading this, they know what im talking about. kids only know what the older people around them want them to know including parents, schools, TV, and news. You will soon grow up and learn to question EVERYTHING. just because you know you can, and thats when you really learn how people are.
even if you are older, still DO NOT state yourself as fact! because you DONT know and thats why we are all here to question everything and learn from eachother even if we dont agree with eachother we will still learn something.
we can argue about dumb opinions on subjects like who the next president should be or who the best soccer team is, or which laws are silly, or cool cars and hot girls. we need to put all of our silly prejudices aside for a subject as large as this one.
whe it comes to this 2012 idea there shud be nothing ruled out... nothing. because noone knows anything. all we can do is look at us all as humans rather than americans, or asians, or africans. we need to see ourselves as one and help eachother as if the person next to u, no matter who it is, is the most important person you have ever met. because they are and so are you! every soul is precious beyond measurment!
in a strand of DNA its nearly impossible to tell a persons race because we are all SO similar. so what can this tell you?
im sorry to all the people making fun of the believers. im sorry that we would like to hope for a better tomorrow. but i cant help but think that there may be more to life, existance, and consciousness than going to school and getting a job to pay bills and raise a family so that they can live that same boring bullshit again...
peace and love to all!
I want to add something more to add to the proof of the world ending.
Mayan Calender, Pole Shift, Nibiru aka Planet X, And also some solar flares predicted by NASA and all these are on the same date 21 Dec 2012.
Well! These all look true also from the point of a Muslim.[Please Read This Is More Proof] I am a Muslim. It is mentioned in The Holy Ouran that on the Day Of Judgment "End Of World" The Sun Will lower itself to the Earth [Solar Flares So Strong That Can Reach Earth". The Mountains will crumble [Due To Pole Shift, Earth Quakes Caused] and this is not it i.e. for a Muslim all this is said to be on the day FRIDAY. Pick up your mobile phone and open the calender, On 21 Dec 2012 The DAY IS FRIDAY.
Do you have any factual basis whatsoever for these predictions?
Your entire essay, while mildly intersting, seemed to offer no proof, no facts, and no base for your little doomsday forcast. And by the way, swine flue is 100% curable if the patient is given the correct medication, so if that is your supposed "begining of the end of humanity", ya might wanna rethink this a bit. Thanks for the 10 minutes of entertainment I got from reading this, but that was about all its worth.
I appreciated your article thank you. It was informative and well thought out. Don't know if I believe everything you said, but I have to admit I sense something. It's so hard to explain don't like to express it alot but I look around at our society and our world and it just doesn't seem right. We are so out of whack with nature and the planet itslef. The planet earth is a living thing, and we so deeply take it for granted and treat it like our own garbage can. I see all the skyscrapers, freeways, massive amounts of people, fast food, and I know inside of myself this cannot continue. It isn't sustainable. I'm not sure what you call it but this sense I have is so strong, and gets stronger every day. I reach out for information but can't find the answers I'm looking for. Not sure if the date of Dec. 21 2012 will really bring disaster. But I do know that a massive change is coming. We cannot continue down this road. Humanity needs to get back to it's roots and live in harmony with the earth and nature itslef. I don't see this happening on our own accord so it will be forced upon us. I am not sad maybe scared yes, but it is only what is right. It must happen and we would all be wiser to open our eyes to this fact. We don't rule the world we are just children of it like the rest of the animal kingdom. Cycles in our universe are inevitable and we should embrace them and really be honest about what our true place in the world is. We are our own worst enemy. Suffering will take place on a massive scale but things will be put right after all. I can't deny the strong sense of knowing I have and it only gets stronger every day. I am not a very spiritual or superstitious person only a realist. We need to learn to respect ourselves, eachother, AND the earth. Maybe if we could truly learn these lessons we could live in harmony and truly have a future.
the Bible states no man will know the end of days. So keep guessing and we'll all live for another day :P TBH we should all take each day as it comes and live life. Not worry about what could be, enjoy what is! If I was God I would have chosen something a bit more random.... 21 12 20 12 looks like a pattern not the end of the world. As for the alignment of the centre of the galaxy and our sun on the 21 12 12... the centre of the universe would have been a better choice. The Mayan calander ends on the 5th sun 21 12 12. But the Mayans ended ages ago so what do they know :P '-_-' maybe I'm just a devil trying to keep you from the truth... or maybe it's the internet that is the lie WWW has another meaning....
This is just another fad, much like scientology. The world was supposed to end many times before and hasn't. Besides, event he mayans, the ones who apparently "predicted" the end, said that there was going to be a great change or shift of power. The only theories about the world ending are those of us who are around today. Many people today who hear the word "change" thing that something bad will happen, and i personally blame the media. I mean, it is the media who is always looking to scare us so we can buy tthings and and continue to listen to their stories. SImply put, if any is going to happen on 2012, it will be something world changing, not wolrd ending. Oh and if you read the start of the Blog that this moron wrote, he says that the world will not end catastrophically, but will go through change. Then, he does a 180 and tells about all the different ways that the world will end. Nice jod contradicitng yourself doofus.
I sense something as well. And the fact that everything the Mayan's predicted has come true has me believing this. Whatever happens i am prepared spiritually.
if you are going to compete in a debate with the information NASA.gov is providing regarding doomsday...you have a lot more research to do in order to make believers out of anybody
you guys have all been playing assassins creed too much, the code 12212012 appears at the end and this website pops up when you Google it. lets face it, how else would you find this site??
now the world wont end, there wont be any change to the way we live, stop being ridiculous. there have been many claims that the world was to end many times before, and it never happened- come December 22 2012 the so called 'expert' and his friends will be left scratching their heads, make up an excuse then the whole thing will be forgotten until someone cooks up the next apocalypse story.
First of all i would like to say I've never really paid attention to any of this before till last night. Last night I watched the movie "Knowing" then just flipped thru some channels and there on the history channel was the year 2012 and predictions now i don't usually even watch the history channel but I watched this. Decided to look up 2012 found this site and even more interesting the date 12/21 my grandaughter's b-day. she was born 12/21/99 and I kindd of remembe something about the winter soltice but was to busy w other things because she was way early, anyway what I do remember is that on that date in our small rural hosp. there were 7 boys and 7 girls born.Now I have other grandchildren and they are all special but she is "special" When she was born a lady held her and said "she is special" I of course said I know she looked me in the eye and said " No, I mean she is "special". I've never given it much thought until now. she is very smart holding conversations when other kids were only learning words etc. Now she is 9 her fav. subjects are reading and science. Lot of coincidences and kind of scary.Strange, scary, but then this whole universe is strange and scary. and yes, i know I said special way to many times!! I know I will do some more research.
Good Luck on the party. As far as the Nay Sayer, Wake up. Not only does every major religion as well as every major prophet or predictor say so. Nibru is confirmed by NASA to return on 12-21-2012. This a no joke situ. If it does not colide with earth it will certainly throw earth of it's axis and or cause major environmental, cosmic and cataclismic events. Be safe.....in you blissful ignorance.
I believe that there are alot of things that we dont know, alot that many are not ready to know, to admit or to comprehend. instead we choose to live in denial and poke fun at warnings. If you think of it, we should've been able to prepare for alot of disasters, if only we had listened or paid attention to many prophecies. Nostradamus predicted 9/11. Many people choose to see it as a conincidence. if they were to accept and agree that what he predicted was accurate they would be forced to deal with his predictions that are still to come. He and many others predicted motor cars and aeroplanes before they came into existence. I agree with Behan to some extent, and believe that balance will be restored after 2012. Its a scary thought, but if you are open minded enough, it will make you think twice about how you live your life, what is important and whether you are prepared for a new world. Some food for thought, all myths, movies, "fictional books", fairytales, horrors, i believe that it all started somewhere. if not all of it is true, a small little bit might be. The Knowing, and other movies like it, perhaps its been sent out in the world to prepare us, or perhaps to assist us in opening ourselves up to other possibilities... Expect the unexpected i always say
Just go to this site and read what it say's you'll think twice about the world ending, but hey if it happens, it happens. http://www.universetoday.com/2008/05/19/no-doomsday-in-2012/
So, I am 12, and in 2007 I seen a show on Discovery Channel. It was explaining 2012 and the possible outcomes. From that day on, I can't go a day without saying to myself "I can't believe I'm not even going to make it to a career."
I do believe something will happen, and I do believe something won't.
And since the day I seen that show I have been studying 2012 and have felt... A bit different. Who is to say something good might not happen? Maybe humans will go through another state of evolution. And maybe that evolution may be enough to make us realize the harm we are causing the Earth.
All I'm saying is the nearing of 2012 may just be a warning to us, that if we don't change our ways we will be the cause of the end not mother nature.
Like I said, I'm 12, I'm a kid. I don't know everything. This is just what I think could happen...
If you'd like you can email me at danisgrin@yahoo.com, tell me more about 2012.
So, I am 12, and in 2007 I seen a show on Discovery Channel. It was explaining 2012 and the possible outcomes. From that day on, I can't go a day without saying to myself "I can't believe I'm not even going to make it to a career."
I do believe something will happen, and I do believe something won't.
And since the day I seen that show I have been studying 2012 and have felt... A bit different. Who is to say something good might not happen? Maybe humans will go through another state of evolution. And maybe that evolution may be enough to make us realize the harm we are causing the Earth.
All I'm saying is the nearing of 2012 may just be a warning to us, that if we don't change our ways we will be the cause of the end not mother nature.
Like I said, I'm 12, I'm a kid. I don't know everything. This is just what I think could happen...
If you'd like you can email me at danisgrin@yahoo.com, tell me more about 2012.
Great article. I started seeing the 11:11's few years ago and; unless you know what it means to to see them you can't really understand or judge. I agree with much if not all of your article. It will all be brought to light soon. They are already clawing at the veil.
i actually do have evidence to believe that a HUGE revelation will occur in late 2012. but it's all religious evidence and i'm sure that many of you won't accept it. wouldn't it just piss you off if you're having a "We're Still Alive" party on 12/22/12 and all of a sudden the world ends? lol.
I read this article and some of the comments. I have no doubt that my words will be ridiculed but so is the way of the world today. I am a Christian and believe in God and the Bible which is God's word. The Bible tells that the world will end but that no one but God knows the time. So many people are blinded by these doomsday stories and they think nothing of their life right now. If you died a second from now or a day from now would you be worried about 2012? No you wouldn't because your world would be over and whether you believe it or not you will stand before God. The Bible tells that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Many people say how could a loving God send people to hell? He doesn't. The choices that people choose to make and what they put their faith in is what dooms them. Jesus says that he is the way, the truth,and the life, no one comes to God but by him. People can twist things around and come up with all their scientific facts but nothing will change Gods plan or his will. I am confident that what i have said will be made fun of and smart comments will be added but it matters not. I know 100 percent that when I die I will go to heaven so I fear none of these things. I say all of this out of love in the hopes that people will choose to stop believing nonsense before their appointment with God. You have a chance while you are here, don't waste it. If you really want to know what the future holds look no further than the HOLY BIBLE!!!!!!
what is the matter with you! man if u are not 100% sure of these events happening u shouldnt tell everyone. i am 17 and have a long life ahead of me. quit scaring people with your lousey website. you may think ur smart ut ur just another human and even u dont know exactly what is going to happpen!
All of this brings up some very important points. Is god, man or nature in charge of our destiny? Do we as humans make choice which accelerate our fate? Have we been given enough chances to right our wrongs and change our ways? Yes, the earth has been cleansed at least 4 times before can this just be an inevitable cycle? Anyway, what this does do is to reinforce the need for people to prepare for just plan old natural events like earthquakes, fires, flood, hurricanes and the like. No matter where you live there are ordinary natural events that happen. I choose to stay prepared for everyday life and let the big question of 2012 happen as it may. I have invested in survival kits and supplies which will help me survive the everyday events which I know will happen. I purchased several 2 person survival kits from www.survivalkitsonline.com just to assure my survival of the little stuff. Why worry about the end as it will happen or not.
The world will not end. The people may leave, but the world will stay and get "renewed." It will become our new world. People who believe Jesus Christ is the only one, the only Son of God. That there is no other way to Heaven but through him. If you believe in Him, you will be saved and have everlasting life. With no pain or suffering.
i think this might be true but then not really. they would say the world would end the year 2000 and on june 6, 2006 just cuz of the devil numbers. i think it isn't true cuz of the last two or three stories before 12/21/12. but you really never kno..one way to find out, if it's true, just live life right now and be happy wit it
Since I've read this article i have been thinking about life, whether or not i want to start preparing myself by building a shelter, saving food, water etc. And I've come to a realisation, if its your time to die, its your time, and no matter what you do you cant escape it. What if you build a shelter and get trapped under a bunch of rubbel, you will end up dying of starvation and thirst. Is that the way I want to die? no! Instead I've chosen to enjoy my life, enrich myself spiritually and see the beauty in life by appreciating everyone and everything. If something happens on the 21 Dec, which im convinced will, then i will be prepared and will be facing the odds. Let's hope im at the right place at the right time. I choose not to obsess over this. Instead i will enjoy the time thats left before things change
have any of you researched what is going to happen on the winter solstice of 2012? you need to get from all sides and then put it into math because math can never be proven wrong if i have 2 apples in font of me i have 2 apples. no discussion unless you talk quantum. so, this is what is going to happen. the sun runs in weather cycles that we can predict better than our own weather here on earth. the sun has on average 3 million magnetic poles. when the sun is most active it has 12 million. if you have ever seen pictures of the sun you see black spots on it, those are the poles pushing through the corona (the suns crust which is super dense and super heated plasma and the reason the sun has poles is because is rotates too but the top spins one way and the other spins the other way.) and if you seen pictures of the sun you have also seen those looping solar flares which is the corona looping through that pole. well on 122112 the sun is going to be active and some of those poles with flares are going to collide and shoot a chunk of its corona out into space and by the time it reaches us it will just positively charged ions that will break through are magnetic field and come down and cause lighting storms on both poles with no clouds just lightning. you will be able to see auroa borealis (northern lights which is just those ions reacting with our magnetic fiels) in mexico. it will be a beautiful site but some bad things COULD happen. with those ions hitting earth everything that is powered by electricity will short circut. because to much power will be running through the wires. so that means no communication, no power and millions of people lives rely on electricity. this has happened before in the early 1800's but all we had back then is the teleograph so nothing really happened. most major power plants like the nuclear power plant in arizona usa has taken precautions about it so they are going to lower the current when it does happen. no end of humans or earth, no one can tell what is going to happen socialy or economicaly but if you look back history tends to repeat it self so if we are having a hard time now it will probably get worse then something amazing will happen that will further then technology, advancement, awarness, etc of human kind and it will be great again. every generation has this thinking that they are the last and everything is just going to get worst but that is so disgusting to think thats it and there is nothing that you or i could do. yes lots COULD die that day but its not the end. just go do something positive with your life that furthers the advancement of human kind with math and science. just dont sit there thinking you are some kindered spirit that knows all, be thankful that you are human and do something about it. dont believe all of that green ecoshiek stuff, that is all stupid to think we some affect on earth, if mother nature wanted to she could crush is in the blink of and eye and then recycle us.
You know, I'm not a scientist or a politian or anything like that. I don't know if 12/21/12 is True or false. But the number one thing that I know for a fact is that I love my family and friends more than words can say. And if everyone only lived on that like the way I do, and not money and power. Than maybe we all wouldn't be sitting here reading this. I'm not gonna go crazy and stand on the street holding a sign saying "THE END HAS COME", or focus everything in my life on god, or have a stupid fucking party and "go out with a bang". I'm gonna do what I think god has want us to do everyday, #1 Be happy with yourself and others,#2 Love the one's who love you. Why do anything else but that, but than again im not a scientist or politian.
are you people blind? OPEN YOUR EYES. there is evidence all round you...i for one find this absolutley extrordinary, the possiblities are very real!
ive been having these weird dreams...... its like..... catastrophic things might happen...... ive asked people before and a lot of my friends have told me about dreams in a lot of water, some have described tsunamis, and i have had both....... and i live in the dominican republic and ive had dreams where its snowing...... everything seems to be dark......i feel more conected to people...... its like, living in the matrix!
hey dude wat s ur plan on 21-12-2012......
san diego real estate
Who knows what will happin 12-21-2012 But the bible says in the end of days we will have such tribulations the likes of which the world has NEVER seen. I DO beleive in the bible and I beleive the end of days prophcies will come true. I beleive 12-21-2012 WILL BE a marked (non deniable) starting point for such tribulations ( be it asteroid strike, Volcanoes, earth quakes and more or all the above ) But you can prepare for such calamity. See my blog: http://surviving12-21-2012.blogspot.com
At least we wont have to worry about Christmas 2012.
On 22nd when the world hasn't ended and the day has passed uneventfully, everyone gunu have to buy there gifts from petrol stations, there wont be time for anything better.
hope that dint come across slightly pessimistic. :P
your dreams worry me they sound disturbed.
I hope they stay as dreams.
Actually we dont think it is going to happpen
thinking positively what ever it happens we should ready to face it.
all we ANAAPANASATHI MEDITATORS followers of BRAHMARSHI PATREEJI through his messages we are ready to face any severe situation which is going to happen in 2012
Actually we dont think it is going to happpen
thinking positively what ever it happens we should ready to face it.
all we ANAAPANASATHI MEDITATORS followers of BRAHMARSHI PATREEJI through his messages we are ready to face any severe situation which is going to happen in 2012
Okay look. The prediction that the world will end in 2012 is merely a prediction based off of biblical recordings and suspicians. Let me state this now before i continue. I AM A ATHEIST, but even a scientific mind can see that there may be more evidence behind this prediction than we are all led to believe. Scintist have been able to prove many events recorded in the bible. Now there will always be a sense of doubt whether you believe in god or not, both sides have a decent amount of information backing them up. One of the signs was all of the Jews returning to Israel, which as i type this is happening. It also said that we would have many events like acting up of volcanos, earthquakes ect. This has also been happening. People have been going hungry, the entire continent of Africa has become a gigantic hole of famine and disease. Which goes with the horseman from the book of revelations, The white horse comes first bearing a bow with no arrow. This is believed to be the anti-christ using politics and the power of mortals to do his bidding. I believe the next one comes bearing scales. This symbolizes famine, and finally one comes bearing ( if i am correct) a sword sybalizing war, this can be taken as the conflict between the muslims and their conflict with literally just about every nation except perhaps Russia. The point being that this theory should be taken into consideration.
okay look this is how it is, whether or not you believe in the bible or if you do not (i do not) you can't argue with the fact that many of the events recorded in the bible have been proven by scientist. I am not saying that the world is going to end in a kind of bang were all dead just like that sense, but i do believe that many people will die and that some kind of catastrophe will befall us unfortunatly. This is why. If you look into the bible in the book of Revelations they state several things will happen before the "end of the world." They state these events by using the four horsemen of the apocolypse. if i am correct this is how it played out. The first horsemen; being the white horseman cam bearing a bow with no arrow. This horseman is believed to be the anti-christ. it is said that he will use politics and people with great influence over everyone else to cause harm to society. If i am correct the next horseman (not sure on the color (although it is speculated anyways) comes holding scales. This is the symbol for famine and lack of food. If you look today that is happening, flip on the news you'll see it easy enough. Comparing that to today you can look at Africa. That entire continent has gone to hell. another horsemen comes holding a bloody sword. This is the horseman of war. to compare that to today all you have to do is look at the conflict today between the muslims and the jews (a quick note it also says that the apocolpse will start with the jews returning to Jerusilaem which is also happening) If the mulims attack the jews them many contries will be thrown into conflict with the muslims. If we attack the Muslims then it is likely that russia and China will take to their side. Which is the idea of armigeddon. Or nuclear warfare. which is why i prodict great loss of life. i cannot remember one of the horsemen off of the top of my head but it has to do with the economy suffering which is also happening. I hope my opionion sparked an interest for you to look into this subject, sorry for any punctuation or spelling errors i was in a rush. You may not want to take the opinion of a 15 year old but the cards are on the table so to speak.
Nothing supernatural is going to happen on december 21 2012! BUT, something big is going to happen due to all of the media hype scaring people. Imagine the world on december 20th 2012 when hundreds of thousands of people thing that they are going to die the next day.... that is going to cause big problems. heres a full essay I wrote about the problem if your interested. http://alturl.com/d78w
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