When I first started developing my website December212012.com it quickly became very obvious to me that I was on to something big. Like most people I had a passing knowledge and basic understanding of the Mayan aspect of the December 21 2012 end date and their remarkable ability to monitor time and space. What I quickly learned was that there is much more to the 2012 equation. It seemed that the more I learned, the more fascinated I became with the realities and predictions surrounding this moment in time. As I continued to research and learn as much as I possibly could about the 2012 end date, and just as importantly, the events leading up to this date, a lot of things started making sense to me, especially as they relate to current day world events. As a Christian, I have a deep-rooted need to believe in the word of the Bible. My simple faith in a higher power has seen me through a lot of life’s obstacles, and my ability to at least consider the possibilities of that which I do not completely understand have made me a more open-minded person.
If as Christians we can give credence to such seemingly ridiculous Bible stories as Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark and the fact that Jesus lived, dies and will someday return, then why is it so hard for these same Christians to completely ignore the signs set forth in the Book of Revelations? How is it possible to have faith in “what was”, and totally discard “what will be”?
It’s not my intention to completely represent the December 21 2012 end date and the events leading up to this day solely from a Christian or Biblical standpoint; it’s so much more than that. Sure, to some extent it’s a religious thing, but more than that it’s a sociological thing, it’s an environmental thing, it’s a universal thing, it’s a political thing and it’s a scientific thing. Let’s face it, our world, our mere existence is in complete and total turmoil. We live in a time of acceptable disregard for human life and simple dignity. Our society accepts the fact that we live in a world of very well defined classes and the gap between the haves and have-nots is getting wider and wider every day. We are politically, morally and socially corrupt. We completely ignore the signs that earth is a fragile ecosystem that needs protecting, and we continue to use and abuse our planet for our own selfish reasons.
I’m sure that by now many of you are saying to yourselves, here’s another bleeding heart, tree hugging liberal with yet another end-time prediction like so many others that have came and gone before. Well, you could not be further from the truth. In fact, I am very happy with my life, and like many of you, I simply do not question what I can not change, so I justify my existence with my own passive attitudes and tolerance. I can clearly see the signs before me, but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, so I simply hope and pray that I am leading my life to the best of my abilities.
What we have to understand is that we are now where we once were. We have reached a point in our existence that our survival depends on our ability to understand where we have been and what lies ahead. Perhaps we are dealing with a higher power of some sort, or perhaps our planet and universe are entering into and evolutionary cycle that is once again coming around full circle. Whatever the reasons are, we are definitely in for some major changes in the near future. No one knows for sure what exactly is going to happen on December 21 2012, or in the days leading up to that day. What we do no for sure is that things are changing, and not necessarily for the good of mankind.
It is my hope over the next few months and before the Dec. 21 2007 five year mark to completely enlighten you on what I have learned about the 2012 end date. I will attempt to explain in plain English what the Mayan’s and their long count calendar have revealed. What other ancient cultures such as the Hopi Indians, Egyptians and Chinese believed. I will explain the astrological events expected to take place on December 21 2012 at exactly 11:11 universal time, and why Albert Einstein among others believe that a poll shift will accrue leading to massive earthquakes and tsunamis. I will explore Nostradamus’ asteroid predictions and Edgar Cayce’s return of Atlantis theory. In addition, I will explain the religious aspects surrounding this date, such as the Book of Revelations, the Bible code, St. Malachy and his vision of 112 Popes and how the seven signs of the Apocalypse are occurring right before our very eyes.
It should be noted at this point that December 21 2012 is not just another end-time prediction. This date marks a moment in time that has been foreseen and foretold by a variety of ancient cultures throughout the world, each without knowledge of the other. In addition and at the very same time, we will be witnesses to not one, but two astronomical events that have not taken place for 26,000 years. Many believe that absolutely nothing will happen on this date. Other see this as the coming of the end of the world, and still other believe that we are in for some sort of physiological change. Never the less, there is absolutely no doubt that something is on our horizon, and it is up to each and every person to decide for themselves what they believe. I encourage you to continue to learn as much as you can about this subject and visit www.December212012.com often for the latest news and video updates about December 21 2012.
Read on. . . .
December 22 2012, I shall point and laugh.
the bible is clear when it says no one knows the day or the hour the end will come, not even angels or jesus... so what are you all gonna do on dec.22nd and beyond?
the bible is clear on saying no one knows the hour or the day the world will end , not even jesus or angles , so what makes u think u know the day? what are you gonna be posting on dec 22nd 2012 and beyond?
only God knows... Whether we survive or not, we will die one day. And that is a fact...
Only God knows... =)
this is nice way to dive traffi
according to the Buddhism doomsday will come in another 2500 years. so no need to scare of a doomsday in 2012.
I think the government will handle 2012 well, but the thing thats got me is that they have't even said any thing about it on t.v., so is you know any one, ANY ONE that can talk about it on t.v., PLEASE help out. If you believe, some other people don't. And if we don't worn the Americans.......... it will be too late.
I believe that the government knows about 2012, and the the tragic events that will occur. I feel that they are keeping it a secret, to prevent global corruption and panic. I think that the goverment has underground bases to which they will flee to when the 2012 events occur. There is another species that walks with us human beings on this earth, but people will always deny it, and say its not true. WAKE UP PEOPLE. The world will come to an end, whether you like it or not.
The following link would be great to analyzed.
right just to correct you guys. NASSA And AREA 51 have CONFIRMED yes CONFIRMED theres is a meteroite heading towards earth this was annouced on September 18th 2001.
They predicted it would hit 2012. 3 years later and this news spreads like mad. I REcon it will happen. Come on ! Greek Phrophants predicted stuff 200 - 400 years into the fututre for god sake!
If it does happen it happens it will be painful if ur burning alive If it kills you instantly u will be okay. Just be prepared!
Well, I know what >I'LL< be doing on that date. Popping the tops on a couple of cold ones. I'm a homebrewer (beer) and some other brewers and I are getting together to brew a couple of beers that will age well (a barleywine and a trappist ale), to be aged until that date, then consumed. End Of Time Barleywine (my contribution) and Armageddon Ale (I'll help with this one too) are the two we have designed so far.
I'll hoist a couple up in your honor as well.
I don't buy into the whole end of the world thing, but the date will come regardless of what I think -I may as well plan to enjoy it :)
Whatever, we should live in present...every end brings new beginning so I don’t care...
Well brittney, regardless of what the greek "phrophants" predicted, your story about nasa is bunk. They said one was coming CLOSE to us, they did NOT say that it would hit the earth.
Really, you MUST get your conspiracy stories straight.
There was no news 'spread like wildfire' three years later -the most I recall was a blurb in the daily, and nobody followed up on it. As for area51, since when did they start making public announcements? And I'm pretty certain they have NEVER confirmed anything of the kind -hell, they still deny they exist in the first place. You shouldn't get your 'news' from yellow journalist rags and the 'coast-to-coast freak show' late at night.
And I'm prepared already -did I not say I was brewing a couple of beers to age and mature, named after the event? So run scared if you want to -many of US are going to have some homebrews and watch the fireworks if any -otherwise we will be at work the next day.
I'm old enough to have 'witnessed' several prophesied 'end of the earth' events -and each one was 'backed by sound scientific predictions and predicted/prophesized events' -guess what? I'm still standing, and the next day came without so much as an 'oops' from the newsfolk or the doom-sayers.
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